
FAIRmat Tutorial 1: Managing data


This tutorial is dedicated to FAIR data management of materials science data based on the NOMAD platform.

We will cover the whole data-life cycle: starting with data on your hard drive, we learn how to prepare, upload, publish data, and reference them with a DOI. Furthermore, we will learn how to explore, download, and use data that were published on NOMAD before. We will perform these steps with NOMAD's graphical user interface and its APIs. This is just one installment in a series of tutorials; other tutorials will cover data analysis, lab notebooks, using NOMAD locally (NOMAD Oasis), workflows, and much more.


February 9 2022 February 10 2022


Matthias Scheffler: Making the Data Revolution Happen – How Sharing and FAIRification Is Changing the Science Already Today

15:00-15:45 CET

Hands-on tutorial

Markus Scheidgen: Questions and Answers on last days exercises

10:00 & 16:00 CET

Hands-on tutorial

Markus Scheidgen: Publishing and Exploring Data with NOMAD: How-to and Exercises

15:45-18:00 CET

Hands-on tutorial

Markus Scheidgen: Questions and Answers on last days exercises

10:30 & 16:30 CET