Area A: Synthesis
Martin Albrecht
Dr. Martin Albrecht
Area Leader
Claudia Felser
Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser
Deputy Area Leader
Sebastian Brückner
Dr. Sebastian Brückner
Area Coordinator

Goals of Area A

All around the world, synthesis recipes are being developed and collected by individual scientists. These recipes are often documented in handwritten lab notebooks and the log files created by synthesis instruments are lost or discarded, which makes the application of FAIR data principles impossible.

FAIRmat Area A aims at making sample synthesis reproducible by finding hidden synthesis parameters, accelerate the development of novel materials by devising synthesis recipes, and make characterization data of synthesized materials assessable. To achieve these aims we have set three main goals:

  • Establish metadata (standards), ontologies, and tools.
  • Harmonize metadata schema of synthesis and  experimental characterization.
  • Promote the computer-aided development of synthesis  recipes, interweaving experiment and theory.
Diagram showing FAIRmat Areas, Area A highlighted.


News from Area A

Tasks in Area A

A1: Synthesis from Melt
N. Dropka, T. Schröder

A2: Synthesis from Gas Phase
H. v.Wenckstern, M. Albrecht  

A3: Synthesis from Solid Phase and Solution
A. Gurlo, C. Felser, H. Terraschke 

A4: Synthesis by Assembly
S. Hecht, C. Rodriguez-Emmeneger, T. Haraszti