The NOMAD web-application (formaly known as the NOMAD Repository and Archive) allows you to publish materials science research data.
It enables the confirmatory analysis of materials data, their reuse, and repurposing. All data is available in their original raw format, e.g. as produced by an underlying simulation code, (Repository) and in a common, machine-processable, and well-defined data format (Archive). Data can be downloaded and used under the CC-BY-4.0 license.
Data can be uploaded without any barrier: results are accepted as they are; only author information and optional comments or references must be provided. We allow private curation of data before publishing; data can be published with a 3-year embargo and selectively shared. You can request digital objective identifiers (DOI's) for your datasets and cite your data.
Therse are short video tutorials that help you, if you are new to NOMAD.
NOMAD was originally developed to manage data from electronic structure codes. Within the FAIRmat NDFI consortium, NOMAD is extended to support data from other areas of materials science as well. This includes data from synthesis, experiment, and other scales of computational materials science.
There is a new version of NOMAD (1.1) that we currently provide as a beta version. This installation contains all of NOMAD's data and you can already use it to upload and publish more data. It will become the official NOMAD after a short beta phase.
We also provide an empty test version of NOMAD. You can use this to try the upload and publish process without any consequences. We will routinely void the test data.
You will find a read-only version of the old NOMAD version 0.10 below as well. You can continue to use this (under its previous URLs) if you still have API clients working with the old version.
Entries in NOMAD can be manually created via Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELN). NOMAD ELNs are schema-based. In addition to free-text notes, you can define complex forms to create databases with consistent and machine readable data.
You can explore this feature in on of our upload examples. It is already availble in our 1.1 beta installation and NOMAD Oasis 1.1
We are aligning the neXus standard with NOMAD's internal metainfo representation for structured data. Soon you will be able to manage your neXus data in NOMAD.
In addition, we allow you to navigate and visualize the content of all your .hdf5 files.
We will soon provide examples that highlight the neXus support.
The NOmad Remote Tools Hub allows to run containarized tools directly on the server. All you data will be mounted into the tool's container and you can read and write your data with tools like JupyterLab.
You can extend the availble tools for your Oasis. This feature is already available on NOMAD Oasis 1.1.